Welcome To AnnaMaria's,
We Love To Feed You!

About AnnaMaria's
“Smell what the sun did”, my mom would say testing each piece of produce and herb the farmers offered, to see if the sun had done its job. Only rich scents assured the robust tastes that were worth eating and would inspire us to create. That is how I learned to cook in Torino, in the northwest Piemonte region of Italy.
Inspired by my mother AnnaMaria, I created this company to share the recipes I grew up eating and experimenting with. Some passed down from my great grandfather, a chef for the Savoy family (the last royals of Italy).
Tradition combined with passion drives our family to ensure that eating is always a “happening” and a source of nurturing and comfort. Our products are thick and rich with fruits, vegetables and herbs to give you the most flavor in the smallest bite. Following the Piemontese way, we are intense in the sourcing of precise ingredients as locally as possible and vigilant on cooking techniques to keep processing down to a minimum.
Italians believe that eating as close to the earth is best. Remember cooking with a tomato or strawberry from your garden or buying just picked greens and fresh meats at the local farmers market—AnnaMaria’s captures that essence for you, when time or winter’s freeze are issues. We bring you the taste and nutrients of the sun to make eating a joy any month of the year.
Find Us In A Retail Location Near You
We are proud to be stocked in some of the finest markets across New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Minnesota, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania.